Thursday, 11 November 2010

Paranormal ghost evil spirits aliens ufo’s encounters

Some say they have seen a ghost of a loved one. This is a common way that evil spirits deceive.

Evil spirit will take the form of a loved one, first to gain trust and then would be able to deceive you.
For evil spirits roam this earth and they have all the information that is required about your loved ones, and through this way they would make you mentally disturbed.

So, never seek to converse with any manifestation for you would truly be deceived.

For faith in Christ is believing that your loved ones are with Jesus.

The Lord have no evil spirits, (they are in rebellion against Him) yet He does have good spirits to carry out His judgments.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth sends His good spirits who can take the form of people that you used to know to comfort you in your dreams, but if you have a bad dream and the people that you thought were good, were doing some evil to you in your dream then know that these spirits are evil, and are sent to you to trouble you by the enemy of your souls.

But be assured that all the people that have gone before you are with Jesus and the Father in paradise, they have no part of your world anymore.

If anyone seeks a Paranormal experience with so called ghosts or so called aliens ( which are evil spirits ) then you are putting yourselves in considerable danger.

We read in the Bible of those who have contacted evil spirits being consumed by these evil spirits in a very violent manner, so be warned.

If you ever desire a Paranormal experience them seek Christ Jesus only.

But if you insist on any spiritual experience outside of the Christian faith, you will be putting yourself in considerable danger.

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